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The age of the father and the son

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Write a program that receives the age of father and son from the input and prints them (subtraction) in the output

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error'
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# Get user input for father's age and son's age
a = int(input("Enter the father's age: "))  # Corrected the typo in the prompt
b = int(input("Enter the son's age: "))     # Prompt for son's age
# Calculate the age difference
d = a - b
# Print the result
print("Here is your result: ", d)
Dani.nejad Download Python
X=int(input("father's age: "))
Y=int(input("boy's age: "))
Farbod.313 Download Python
dadage = int(input("a: "))
sonage = int(input("b: "))
Akams Download Python
tool = int(input("tool"))
arz = int(input("arz"))
print(tool * arz)
User 1437 Download Python
fatherAge=int(input("please set father age: "))
sonAge=int(input("please set son age: "))
print("minus =",fatherAge-sonAge)
Saeeda33 Download Python
a =int(input("sen pedar:"))
b = int(input("sen pesar:"))
tafazol = (a - b)
print("tafazol,sen=" ,tafazol)
User 1191 Download Python
print("salam azizam")
print("tafazol sen pedar va farzand  bezan berim ")
p = input("sen baba  :   ")
f = input("sen farzand:   ")
p = int(p)
f = int(f)
print ( "ekhtelaf senton:   " , p-f)
User 3026 Download Python
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