Calculate User Birthday
Write a program that gets the user's age from the input and calculates and prints the user's birthday
Write a program that gets the user's age from the input and calculates and prints the user's birthday
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
age=int(input('age:')) a=1403 b=age-a print('sale tavalode shoma:',b)
from datetime import date age = int(input(f"What's your age?")) today = current_year=today.year birth_year=current_year-age print(birth_year)
a=int(input("age: ")) b=int(input("emsal: ")) c=b-a print(c)
from datetime import datetime age = int(input("how old are you?")) current_year = birth_year = current_year - age print(f"you were born at {birth_year}")
from datetime import datetime as gdt from jdatetime import datetime as jdt age = int(input('Enter your age: ')) print(f'Gregorian birthday: { - age:2d} - Jalali birthday: { - age:2d}')
from datetime import datetime # Get User Age from Input age = int(input("لطفاً سن خود را وارد کنید: ")) # Calculate the year of birth current_year = birth_year = current_year - age # Birthday printing print("سال تولد شما برابر است با:", birth_year)
from datetime import datetime v= eval(input("pless inter you birthday day:")) m= eval(input("pless inter you birthday mons:")) y= eval(input("pless inter you birthday year:")) d = D, M, Y =, d.month, d.year newday = D-v if newday <0 : newday = -newday newmons = M-m if newmons < 0 : newmons = -newmons print(f"{Y-y} year and {newmons} mons {newday} day")
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