تمرین های پایتون (Python)
Programming exercises پایتون (Python)Latest exercises پایتون (Python)
Write a robot to perform mathematical operations. When the Calc 5+3 user sends back, the robot returns the result (8).
You will be given the score of a team that has won the Premier League at the entrance and you are printing the team's scores along with the number of wins this season at the output. This team, 2 games ...
I recently installed Python but when I run the program I run, I will face this error `` `Python 'a not recognized as an external or external command` `Someone can help this error ...
Write a function that receives a string and converts Persian numbers into English numbers
Write a program that receives a number and from that number to 0 countdown is required between each number of 1 second pauses
Write a program that receives 2 numeric value from the input and stores in variables A and B. Then move the values of these two variables (the value of variable A is to be stored within B and the value of variable B is saved within a)
Write a function that receives 2 numbers as parameter (A and B) and get A to power B and return
Write a program that receives Qatar and prints the volume and area of Korea. Korean volume formula = radius with power of 3 x pcs X four -thirds (3/3). Korean area formula = radius to 2 x pcs X four (4)
Write a program that receives and prints a number of numbers (infinite number) and the average of the even and individual numbers separately
Write a program that receives a number and only by moving its figures, the smallest numbers can be found (with the same number of digits)
Write a program that receives a file containing different names and prints the number of repetitions of each name in the output example: If the name file is as follows: Note »The first line is the number of names 5 Sarahamidali sara sara ...
Parking Management Program Write: When arriving, arrival time and car license plate number stored when exit, exit time save for the desired car at any moment (in the parking lot, exit) and other information ...
Write a program that receives students' scores and names and prints from the highest to the lowest score, respectively
Write a program that receives a number and prints the figure below according to the number, the Number Example: 3 #######Number Example: 5 #######################
Write a function that converts a number to binary or a binary string into number
Write a function that receives a string and checks all the letters. If all the letters of the string were small, otherwise False would return