Save information in the file
Write a program thatStudent Name and NumberReceive users and in a file namedStudents.txtSave. Also, after each storage, display the entire information of this file at the output.
Write a program thatStudent Name and NumberReceive users and in a file namedStudents.txtSave. Also, after each storage, display the entire information of this file at the output.
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
const { error, log } = require("console"); const { appendFile, readFile } = require("fs"); const { createInterface } = require("readline"); const rl = createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); function display() { readFile("students.txt", "utf8", (err, data) => { if (err) { error("Error reading file:", err); } else { log("\nCurrent students:"); log(data); } promptUser(); }); } function save(name, id) { const data = `${name}:${id}\n`; appendFile("students.txt", data, (err) => { if (err) { error("Error saving data:", err); } else { log(`Saved: ${name} (ID: ${id})`); display(); } }); } function promptUser() { rl.question("Enter student name (or 'exit' to quit): ", (name) => { if (name.toLowerCase() === "exit") return rl.close(); rl.question("Enter student ID: ", (id) => { save(name, id); }); }); } appendFile("students.txt", "", (err) => { if (err) { error("Error creating file:", err); } else { log("Welcome to the Student Management System"); promptUser(); } }); rl.on("close", () => { log("Thank you for using the Student Management System. Goodbye!"); process.exit(0); });
while 1: name, shomare_daneshjooei = input("nam khod ra vared konid :"), input("shomare daneshjooei ra vared konid :") if name == "": break hasel = f'###\nNam :{name}\nshomare : {shomare_daneshjooei}\n' save = open("Etelaat.txt", "a") save.write(hasel) save.close() namayesh = open("Etelaat.txt", 'r') print( namayesh.close()
package org.example import import import import java.lang.reflect.Type fun main() { val map1 = mutableMapOf<String, String>() val file = File("D:\\New folder (5)\\students.txt") var finish :String while (true) { try { when (menu1()) { 1 -> { finish=gsonAppend(menu2(map1),file) map1.clear() map1.putAll(toSaved(finish,map1)) println("information is saved") } 2 -> { showing(file) } 0 -> {println("Program is Exist") break } } } catch (e: Exception) { println(e.message) } } } fun menu1(): Int { println("Please Enter one number that is want:") println(" Enter:[1]->To register student name and student number") println(" Enter:[2]->To show the list of student names along with the student number") println(" Enter:[0]->To Exit of Program") val number = readlnOrNull()?.toInt()!! return number } fun menu2(map1:MutableMap<String,String>): Pair<String, String> { println("Please Enter Student name") val name = readlnOrNull()!! println("Please Enter Student number") val number: String = readlnOrNull()!! return map1.let { (name to number) } } fun gsonAppend(map1: Pair<String, String>,file:File):String { val gson = Gson() val map2 = gson.toJson(map1) file.appendText(map2) return map2 } fun toSaved(string1:String,map1:MutableMap<String,String>):MutableMap<String,String>{ val gson = Gson() val mutableMapProduct: Type = object : TypeToken<MutableMap<String,String>>() {}.type val result = gson.fromJson<MutableMap<String,String>>(string1,mutableMapProduct ) map1.clear() map1.putAll(result) return map1 } fun showing(file:File){ file.forEachLine { println(it) } }
def save_student_info(): while True: # Get information from the user name = input("اسم دانشجو را وارد کنید (برای خروج، 'exit' را وارد کنید): ") if name.lower() == 'exit': # Check to exit break student_id = input("شماره دانشجویی را وارد کنید: ") # Save information in the file with open("students.txt", "a") as file: # Open the file to add mode file.write(f"{name}, {student_id}\n") # Write information in the file # Reading and displaying the entire file information with open("students.txt", "r") as file: # Open the file to read mode print("\nکل اطلاعات ذخیره شده در فایل:") for line in file: print(line.strip()) # Display any line without additional distances # Implementation of the function save_student_info()
def add_student_info(): # Get a student name and number of user name = input("نام دانشجو را وارد کنید: ") student_id = input("شماره دانشجویی را وارد کنید: ") # Open the file as Append and save information with open("students.txt", "a") as file: file.write(f"{name}, {student_id}\n") # Reading and displaying the entire file information with open("students.txt", "r") as file: content = print("\nمحتویات فایل students.txt:\n") print(content)
stu_file=open('D:\\student.txt','a') while 1: name=input("Name : ") if name=='':break password=input("password : ") if password=='':break stu_file.write(f"name : {name} - password : {password}\n") stu_file.close() stu_file=open('D:\\student.txt','r') print( stu_file.close()
import pickle import os class Students: def __init__(self,name,student_num): self.student_num=student_num students=[] if os.path.exists("students.txt"): f=open("students.txt","rb") try: students=pickle.load(f) except: pass else: f=open("students.txt","x") f.close() while 1: name=input("name: ") if(name==""): break number=input("student number: ") s=Students(name,number) students.append(s) print("list of students : ") f=open("students.txt","ab") pickle.dump(students,f) f.close() for student in students: print(f"name: {}, code: {student.student_num}")
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