The size of the square side
Write a program that receives the square area from the user and prints the size of each side in the output
Write a program that receives the square area from the user and prints the size of each side in the output
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
# Receiving the area of square and printing its size print(int(input("masahat: ")) ** 0.5)
import math s = int(input("Enter the value of s please: ")) #x = s**0.5 توی این راه حل اگه کاربر بهمون عدد منفی هم بده باز برنامه ازش رادیکال میگیره که این یک اشتباه منطقیه x = math.sqrt(s) #print(x) # The function we used to get a radical return to us a lot. print(int(x))
import math msht_mb=float(input(":مساحت مربع مد نظر خود را وارد نمایید")) print(f":اندازه ضلع مربع{math.sqrt(msht_mb)}")
import math class Math: def __init__(self,masahat): self.masahat=masahat def Canculation(self): return math.sqrt(self.masahat) a=int(input("enter the masahat")) obj=Math(a) print(obj.Canculation())
ma=float(input("ma:")) z=(ma**(1/2)) print(z)
i=int(input('masahate moraba ra vared konid:')) print(i**0.5)
A=flout(input("...."?z.m)) Print(A*A)
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