تمرین های جاوا اسکریپت (JavaScript)
Programming exercises جاوا اسکریپت (JavaScript)Latest exercises جاوا اسکریپت (JavaScript)
Write a function that receives a string and converts Persian numbers into English numbers
Write a program that receives 2 numeric value from the input and stores in variables A and B. Then move the values of these two variables (the value of variable A is to be stored within B and the value of variable B is saved within a)
Design a page that has a custom text in the middle of the page (the background color is white and black text color) then design a button to change the page to the night mode when the user clicks it ...
Create a storage counter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript: Put the default number on 0 and create 2 buttons to increase and reduce. Reduce the counter number button and ...
Create a button using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to appear full screen when clicking on it. This box must have an X -shaped button to close and when the user clicks it ...
Design a reverse counters using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This counters must receive hours, minutes and seconds from three variables and from that time to 0: 0: 0
Write a program using JavaScript so that the user can choose from between green, red, blue, white and black and change the background to that color by selecting each color.
Programming a ticket system that: the user can create a new ticket and enter the title, the level of importance (trivial, important, critical) and the problem description of the manager can see the list of tickets in order of importance and so on ...
Using JavaScript, send a request with the following specifications method = posturl = /test.php FNAME information =? Lname =? Age =? Get the information above through Prompt from the user
Design a page for conventional questions using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. On this page, the usual questions should be displayed and when the user clicks on each question, the answer to that question is exactly below ...
Design a page using HTML CSS JS so that the user can enter their daily task list and see a list.
Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Design a menu that has the following features. Design a button to click on the menu 100% height from the right to enter the screen ...
Write a program that receives the address of a file as input and prints the file size to megabyte on the output
Write a program that receives 2 dates in yyyy/mm/dd format and print 2 dates to the output for example Tarikh1: 1401/11/01 tarikh2: 1401/11/05 4 days Tarikh1: 1401/10/01 Tarikh2: 1401/11/05 34 Days
Write a function that receives two lists (array) and the common elements in the two lists in the new list
Create a page with a slide show at least 3 images on the page that at each moment a display displayed 5 seconds of the current image can be changed to the next image. You can create 2 buttons ...