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Design the database of a restaurant and write a query about making tables and keys. Tips: In this restaurant we want to have a list of foods, orders and customers in the system
Write a program that translates the following words from Farsi to English and vice versa. The program must be implemented infinitely and it is possible to add new words easily words: Hello = hello goodbye = bye Kata ...
Write a program that prints each student's name according to the list below, and as much as his / her name, the star of his name prints the question. Try to use the nested rings Amir 5hooshang 7rez ...
Write a program that receives two users and prints the mean on output
Write a program that receives a text from the user as an input and all the words used in the text, along with the number of repeating them to the user, such as: Input: This is an Example. This is a text ... ...
Using HTML and CSS, insert an image with the following features on the page.
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