تمرین های فرانت اند (Front-End)
Programming exercises فرانت اند (Front-End)Latest exercises فرانت اند (Front-End)
Design a reverse counters using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This counters must receive hours, minutes and seconds from three variables and from that time to 0: 0: 0
Write a program using JavaScript so that the user can choose from between green, red, blue, white and black and change the background to that color by selecting each color.
Design a page that has a custom text in the middle of the page (the background color is white and black text color) then design a button to change the page to the night mode when the user clicks it ...
Create a storage counter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript: Put the default number on 0 and create 2 buttons to increase and reduce. Reduce the counter number button and ...
Create a stroke text using HTML and CSS as shown in the image below, make sure to add a stroke to just one word of the text, just as shown in the image below
Create a button using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to appear full screen when clicking on it. This box must have an X -shaped button to close and when the user clicks it ...
Design a form that receives the following information using the best elements from the user and to the register page/ by posting the Post Family Subscribe of Mobile Birthday Country
Create a link with the following details by clicking the user link to be directly calling 090000000.
Using JavaScript, send a request with the following specifications method = posturl = /test.php FNAME information =? Lname =? Age =? Get the information above through Prompt from the user
Create a link with the following specifications. The phrase link (click here) should be on the code-bezan.ir page Title the phrase (programming exercise) be open but open on the new page
Create a navigation with HTML and CSS to be responsive and display it properly on devices with different widths. Navigation is the bar load that is usually located at the top of the site and the links of different pages
Design a page for conventional questions using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. On this page, the usual questions should be displayed and when the user clicks on each question, the answer to that question is exactly below ...
CSS Code Write to select all spans that are directly inside DIV and change the color of their text to red
To DIV below what css slide to make the heart shape<div class="heart"></div>
Create a button below: when the mouse marker is on it:
Design a page with a Tabs menu using HTML, CSS and JavaScript at the top of this page to activate the button by selecting each button and displaying the contents. For example ...