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Write a program that receives users' student names and number and stores in a file called Students.txt. Also, after each storage, display the entire information of this file at the output.
Write a program that receives a number of input and the factoriel calculates and prints it
Write a program that receives 2 dates in yyyy/mm/dd format and print 2 dates to the output for example Tarikh1: 1401/11/01 tarikh2: 1401/11/05 4 days Tarikh1: 1401/10/01 Tarikh2: 1401/11/05 34 Days
Write a function that receives a list (array) as a parameter, and deletes its duplicate items and returns the new (array) list
Write a program that receives students' scores and names and prints from the highest to the lowest score, respectively
Write a function that receives the user's postcode as a parameter and checks whether the postcode is correct? Must be 15 digits?
Write a program that receives a text and a word from the user, search the word in the text, and as the example below and then put the word * and print the text in the output. Example: Input1: Hello. My name is hooshang. I ...
برای استفاده از این بخش باید وارد حساب کاربریت بشی
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