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Write a program that receives 2 numeric value from the input and stores in variables A and B. Then move the values of these two variables (the value of variable A is to be stored within B and the value of variable B is saved within a)
Write a function that receives a number and specifies or not to be paired by returning TRUE or FALSE
Write a program that receives the square side length from the input and calculates its area of square area = a side of its own = a side of a power 2.
Write a program that receives students' scores and names and prints from the highest to the lowest score, respectively
Write a function that receives a username and if it was a character except the lowercase English letters, FALSE and otherwise TRUE
Write a program where the user can enter the number of one -digit number and then all the numbers that can print the construction with the entered digits for example: Input: 1 input: 2 input: End 12 21 11 22
برای استفاده از این بخش باید وارد حساب کاربریت بشی
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