تمرین های کاتلین (Kotlin)
Programming exercises کاتلین (Kotlin)Latest exercises کاتلین (Kotlin)
Write a program that receives an infinite number from the user and when the user entered the number 0; Print all numbers entered from large to small in the output
Write a program that receives the user's username and password and checks whether the username and password entered are correct? Username - Passwordamirhossein - 12345hooshang - 009922 ...
Write a program that receives users' student names and number and stores in a file called Students.txt. Also, after each storage, display the entire information of this file at the output.
Write a program that receives a number from the input and increases the number 2 and prints in the output. This trend continues until the number 0 is not arrived
Write a function to get a string and return the length of the string Tip: In this exercise you should not use ready -made functions like Len in Python
Write a program that receives a number of input and prints its smallest and largest digit
Write a program that receives the number of goods sold by the seller and calculates and prints his / her salaries based on the following formula: Each seller receives 1 Toman for the first 5 goods ...
Write a function to take an array containing numbers as input; Removes the pair numbers and the new array includes only individual numbers