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Calculate the seller's rights

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Write a program that receives the number of goods sold by the seller and calculates and prints his / her rights based on the following formula:

Each seller receives 1 USD for the first commodity for selling
If the number of goods sold is more than 1, it will receive 2 USD per additional product

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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def mohasebe_hoghogh(kala):
    if kala <= 50:
        return kala * 20000
    elif kala > 50:
        ezafe = kala - 50
        kala = 50
        return (kala * 20000)+(ezafe * 40000)
while 1:
        kala = int(input('tedad kalaye frokhte shode: '))
        print(f"hoghogh shoma dar in mah: {mohasebe_hoghogh(kala)}")
        print('adad vared konid')
Tedad_kala = int(input("Kala: "))
if Tedad_kala <= 50:
    print(Tedad_kala * 20000) 
else:print((Tedad_kala - 50) * 40000 + 1000000)
User 658 Download Python
num = int(input("hoghooghe forooshandeh:"))
if num > 50 :
    num1 = num - 50
    print ("hoghoogh forooshandeh:" , 50 * 20000 + num1 * 40000)
    print ("movafagh bashid")
if num < 50 :
    print ("hoghooghe forooshandeh:" , num * 20000)
    print ("movafagh bashid")
Arad.fani Download Python
kar =int(input(" kala:")
for i in reange(kar):
    if kar <= 50:
    elif  kar >= 51:

Unfortunately it is wrong Amirhn

num_sell = int(input("Pleasr enter num of: "))
if num_sell <= 50:
    salary = num_sell * 20000
    salary = (num_sell * 40000) - 1000000
print(f"salary = {salary}")
Behcoder Download Python
tk=int(input("num kala:"))
if tk<51:
User 489 Download Python

Unfortunately not true. You realized the question wrong. Amirhn

def calculation_seller_rights(num_goods):
    while True:
        if num_goods > 0 and num_goods <= 50:
            print(f"Number of goods: {num_goods}\nAmount received: {num_goods * 20000} Toman")
        elif num_goods > 50:
            print(f"Number of goods: {num_goods}\nAmount received: {num_goods * 40000} Toman")
            print("Please enter the correct product number!!")
            calculation_seller_rights(int(input("Enter the number of goods: ")))
calculation_seller_rights(int(input("Enter the number of goods: ")))

It doesn't seem right. Do not match the question. Amirhn

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