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Write a program that receives the peripheral temperature to Celsius and converts it to Fahrenheit and display it at the output.

Fahrenheit = (Celsius × 1.8) + 32

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let msg = 'error'
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This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error'
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cs = int(input("enter Celsius: "))
fr = (cs * 1.8) + 32
Amirali Download Python
selsiyos = int(input("enter your number:"))
farenhayt = (1.8 * selsiyos) + 32
degree = float(input("Please enter the ambient temperature in Celsius: "))
print("Degrees in Fahrenheit: ", (1.8 * degree) + 32,"F")
dama=float(input("enter dama:"))
Roghaye.m Download Python
class Dama:
	def __init__(self,number):
	def Solve(self):
		return (self.number*1.8)+32

number=float(input("enter dama:"))
Roghaye.m Download Python
# Temperature conversion program from Celsius to Fahrenheit
# Receive the Celseyus temperature from the user
celsius = float(input("لطفاً دمای محیطی را به سلسیوس وارد کنید: "))
# Conversion of temperature to Fahrenheit
fahrenheit = (celsius * 1.8) + 32
# Display the result
print(f"دمای {celsius} درجه سلسیوس برابر با {fahrenheit} درجه فارنهایت است.")
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