Calculate the area of the rhombus
Write a program that receives a large and small rhombic diameter and calculates the rhombus area.
Ringe area = large diameter * small diameter ÷ 2
Write a program that receives a large and small rhombic diameter and calculates the rhombus area.
Ringe area = large diameter * small diameter ÷ 2
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
ghotrbb = int(input("enter your number:")) ghotrkk = int(input("enter your number:")) masahat = (ghotrbb * ghotrkk) / 2 print(f"masahat louzi:{masahat}")
gb=float(input("gb")) gk=float(input("gk")) mas=((gb*gk)/2) print(mas)
big_diagonal=int(input("big diagonal:")) small_diagonal=int(input("small diagonal:")) result=big_diagonal*small_diagonal result2=result/2 print(result2)
a=float(input("z.b: ")) b=float(input("z.k: ")) print(a*b/2)
n = float(input("y:"))m = float(input("x:"))x = m*n/2print(x)
const bigDiagonal = prompt("اندازه ی قطر بزرگ را وارد کنید:"); const smallDiagonal = prompt("اندازه ی قطر کوچک را وارد کنید:"); const finalNum = bigDiagonal * smallDiagonal / 2 ; console.log(`طبق اعداد وارد شده، مساحت لوزی شما برابر است با ${finalNum}`);
x = float(input())
y = float(input())
print((x * y) / 2)
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