Calculator function
Write a function that receives two numbers with one operator (+ - / *) and does the relevant calculation and returns the result
cal(2, '+', 6) #8 cal(5, '-', 1) #4 cal(6, '/', 2) #3 cal(8, '*', 2) #16
Write a function that receives two numbers with one operator (+ - / *) and does the relevant calculation and returns the result
cal(2, '+', 6) #8 cal(5, '-', 1) #4 cal(6, '/', 2) #3 cal(8, '*', 2) #16
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
print("عملیاتهای موجود: +، -، *، /") print("برای خروج 'q' را وارد کنید.") while True: operation = input("عملیات (+, -, *, /) یا 'q' برای خروج: ") if operation == 'q': print("خروج از برنامه.") break if operation in ('+', '-', '*', '/'): num1 = float(input("عدد اول را وارد کنید: ")) num2 = float(input("عدد دوم را وارد کنید: ")) if operation == '+': print("نتیجه:", num1 + num2) elif operation == '-': print("نتیجه:", num1 - num2) elif operation == '*': print("نتیجه:", num1 * num2) elif operation == '/': if num2 == 0: print("خطا: تقسیم بر صفر ممکن نیست.") else: print("نتیجه:", num1 / num2) else: print("عملیات نامعتبر! لطفاً یکی از عملیاتهای +, -, *, / یا 'q' را وارد کنید.")
def calc(math): x=int(input("Enter x: ) y=int(input("Enter y: ) a="+","-","*","/" anw=eval(x,a,y) try: if x/0 or y/0: print("cannot divide by zero") expect: return calc print(calc())
number1 = int(input("enter numbr :")) number2 = int(input("enter numbr :")) operator = input("pleas enter the (+,-,*,/) :") def calculator(number1,number2,operator): """ این تابع دو مقدار را از کاربر میگیرد و عمل های ضرب,تقسیم,جمع,تفریق را انجام میدهد """ match operator : case "+" : result = number1 + number2 return (f"resalt : {result}") case "-" : result = number1 - number2 return (f"resalt : {result}") case "*": result = number1 * number2 return (f"result : {result}") case "/": result = number1 / number2 return (f"resalt : {result}") case _: return (f"access is not allowed") print(calculator(number1,number2,operator))
class Calculate: def __init__(self, num1, num2): try: self.__num1 = int(num1) self.__num2 = int(num2) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid Input!") # just getter (can not to edit) @property def num1(self): return self.__num1 @property def num2(self): return self.__num2 def multiple(self): print(f"{self.__num1} * {self.__num2} = {self.__num1 * self.__num2}") def devision(self): if self.__num2 == 0: return "Zero devision" print(f"{self.__num1} / {self.__num2} = {(self.__num1 / self.__num2):.2f}") def sum(self): print(f"{self.__num1} + {self.__num2} = {self.__num1 + self.__num2}") def subtract(self): print(f"{self.__num1} - {self.__num2} = {self.__num1 - self.__num2}") def main(): obj = Calculate(input("Enter Number 1: "), input("Enter Number 2: ")) obj.multiple() obj.devision() obj.sum() obj.subtract() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
number_1 = float(input("please enter a number: ")) number_2 = float(input("please enter a number: ")) amalgar = input("please select oprator: + , - , / , * ") if amalgar == "+": print(f"{number_1} + {number_2} = ", number_1 + number_2) elif amalgar == "-": print(f"{number_1} - {number_2} = ", number_1 - number_2) elif amalgar == "/": print(f"{number_1} / {number_2} = ", number_1 / number_2) elif amalgar == "*": print(f"{number_1} * {number_2} = ", number_1 * number_2)
print("enter x:") x = input(int()) print("enter y:") y = input(int()) print("Enter - or + or * or /:") z = input() if z == '+' : print(x + y) elif z == '-' : print(x - y) elif z == '*' : print(x * y) elif z == '/' : print(x / y) else: print("Invalid operator. Please enter +, -, *, or /.")
def Mashin_Hesab(n) :
m = n.split()
x = 0
if m[1] == "+" :
x = int(m[0]) + int(m[2])
elif m[1] == "-" :
x = int(m[0]) - int(m[2])
elif m[1] == "*" :
x = int(m[0]) * int(m[2])
elif m[1] == "/" :
x = int(m[0]) / int(m[2])
return x
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