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Saying using Class
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Write a program that receives a number from the input and checks whether the number is segmented to 5. Tips: The numeric is on 5 segments that remain the remaining 5 zero
Write a program that receives the square area from the user and prints the size of each side in the output
Write a program that obtained a person's / BMI body / BMI formula and, according to the information below, shows the status of the person BMI = w / h * h formula = weight divided by second power BMI ...
CSS code to select all the following elements at once and change their background color to yellow<div class="yellow" id="box"></div><div class="yellow"></div><div class="yellow mybox"></div>Footer call to action
برای استفاده از این بخش باید وارد حساب کاربریت بشی
ورود/ثبت نام If you don’t understand the exercise or can’t solve it for any reason, that’s completely
normal—don’t worry 😊
Try checking out easier exercises and reviewing different answers
submitted by others. Gradually, you can move on to more challenging exercises. Also, your answer
might be correct even if it’s different from others.