Rectangular cube class
Write a class that receives rectangular length, width and height and calculates its area and volume using different methods
Write a class that receives rectangular length, width and height and calculates its area and volume using different methods
class RectangularPrism: @staticmethod def calculate_surface_area(length, width, height): return 2 * (length * width + length * height + width * height) @staticmethod def calculate_volume(length, width, height): return length * width * height if __name__ == "__main__": while True: try: length = float(input("لطفاً طول مکعب مستطیل را وارد کنید: ")) width = float(input("لطفاً عرض مکعب مستطیل را وارد کنید: ")) height = float(input("لطفاً ارتفاع مکعب مستطیل را وارد کنید: ")) break except ValueError: print("لطفاً یک عدد صحیح یا اعشاری وارد کنید.") surface_area = RectangularPrism.calculate_surface_area(length, width, height) volume = RectangularPrism.calculate_volume(length, width, height) print(f"مساحت سطح مکعب مستطیل: {surface_area} واحد مربع") print(f"حجم مکعب مستطیل: {volume} واحد مکعب")
class x: def __init__(self , tool , arz , artefa): self.tool=tool self.arz=arz self.artefa=artefa def masahat(self): print(self.tool*self.arz*6) def hajm(self): print(self.tool*self.arz*self.artefa) while True: k=input("1.adame 2.laghv :") if k=="2": break elif k=="1": t=float(input("tool:")) a=float(input("arz:")) ar=float(input("artefa:")) m=x(t , a , ar) i=input("1.masahat 2.hajm :") if i=="1": m.masahat() elif i=="2": m.hajm() else: print("error") else: print("error")
class maht: def __init__(self,a,b,c): self.a=a self.b=b self.c=c def math_h(self): return(f'The volume of a rectangular cube is equal to:{self.a*self.b*self.c}') a1=int(input('enter length:')) b1=int(input('enter width:')) c1=int(input('enter height:')) ob =maht(a1,b1,c1) print(ob.math_h())
class MokabMostatil: def __init__(self,x,y,z): self.x=x self.y=y self.z=z def hajm(self): return self.x*self.y*self.z def masahat(self): return 2*self.x*self.y+2*self.x*self.z+2*self.y*self.z
class RectangularPrism: def __init__(self, length, width, height): self.length = length self.width = width self.height = height def surface_area(self): """محاسبه مساحت سطح مکعب مستطیل""" return 2 * (self.length * self.width + self.length * self.height + self.width * self.height) def volume(self): """محاسبه حجم مکعب مستطیل""" return self.length * self.width * self.height if __name__ == "__main__": # Get the length, width and height of the user while True: try: length = float(input("لطفاً طول مکعب مستطیل را وارد کنید: ")) width = float(input("لطفاً عرض مکعب مستطیل را وارد کنید: ")) height = float(input("لطفاً ارتفاع مکعب مستطیل را وارد کنید: ")) break except ValueError: print("لطفاً یک عدد صحیح یا اعشاری وارد کنید.") # Creating an object from the Rectangularprism class prism = RectangularPrism(length, width, height) # Calculation and display area and volume print(f"مساحت سطح مکعب مستطیل: {prism.surface_area()} واحد مربع") print(f"حجم مکعب مستطیل: {prism.volume()} واحد مکعب")
class Mm: def __init__(self , ertefaa , arz , tool): self.ertefaa = ertefaa self.arz = arz self.tool = tool def hajm(self): return self.arz * self.tool * self.ertefaa def masahat(self): j = 2 * (self.ertefaa * self.arz + self.ertefaa * self.tool + self.arz * self.tool) return j a = Mm(int(input("Ertefaa :")) , int(input("Arz :")) , int(input("Tool :"))) print("mashat :" ,a.masahat()) print() print("hajm :" ,a.hajm())
class Cube: def __init__(self,length,width,hight): self.length = length self.width = width self.hight = hight def area(self): return 2 * ((self.length * self.width) + (self.length * self.hight) + (self.hight * self.width)) def volume(self): return self.length * self.width * self.hight l = int(input('length(cm): ')) w = int(input('width(cm): ')) h = int(input('hight(cm): ')) cube = Cube(l,w,h) print(f'area: {cube.area()}cm2 \nvolume: {cube.volume()}cm3')
# Rectangular cube class class RectangularPrism: def __init__(self,H,L,W): self.H = H self.L = L self.W = W def V(self): return(self.H*self.L*self.W) def S(self): return 2*((W*L)+(W*H)+(L*H)) try: H = float(input("height: ")) L = float(input("length: ")) W = float(input("width: ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter a number") R = RectangularPrism(H,L,W) print('V:',R.V()) print('S:',R.S())
class Mokaabe_mostatil: def __init__(self,tul,arz,ertefa): self.tul=tul self.arz=arz self.ertefa=ertefa def mohasebe_masahat(self): return self.arz*self.tul def mohasebe_hajm(self): return self.arz*self.tul*self.ertefa m=Mokaabe_mostatil(10,5,5) print(m.mohasebe_masahat()) print(m.mohasebe_hajm())
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