Pyramid display
Write a program that receives a word from the user and prints it as follows:
Write a program that receives a word from the user and prints it as follows:
word =input("namr: ") for i, l in enumerate(word): print(word[:i+1])
name = input("Enter name : ") len_name = len(name) for x in range(1, len_name + 1): print(name[:x]) for y in range((len_name) - 1 , 0 , -1) : print(name[:y])
word = (input("Please enter your word: ")) temp = "" res = [] word_lst = list(word) for i in range(len(word_lst)): temp += word_lst[i] res.append(temp) print(res[i]) for i in range(1,len(word_lst)): print(res[-i-1])
word = (input("Please enter your word: ")) for i in range(len(word)+1): print(word[:i]) for i in range(len(word)): print(word[:-i-1])
a=input('word:') print(a[:1]) print(a[:2]) print(a[:3]) print(a[:4]) print(a[:5]) print(a[:6])
def print_pattern(word): """الگوی مورد نظر را برای کلمه ورودی چاپ میکند.""" # Part One Printing: From one character to all characters for i in range(1, len(word) + 1): print(word[:i]) # Printing Part Two: From n-1 character to a character for i in range(len(word) - 1, 0, -1): print(word[:i]) def main(): # Get a word from the user word = input("لطفاً یک کلمه وارد کنید: ") # Pattern printing print_pattern(word) # Implementation of the main function if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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