The number of replications of the character in the string
Write a function that returns the number of repetition of a character in a string
You should not use ready -made functions for this question
count_char("hooshang", "o") #2
Write a function that returns the number of repetition of a character in a string
You should not use ready -made functions for this question
count_char("hooshang", "o") #2
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
```def duplicate_string(string,char): """ این تابع برای نشان دادن تعداد حروف تکراری در یک استرینگ است """ # Wear the variable value zero and the desired string with the circle count = 0 for i in string : if i == char: # If the characters in the navigation were one with our second entrance count += 1 # Add one number to Kant return count # Print out the output # Frequently function and give two inputs to the function filter_char = duplicate_string("mohammad","m") print(filter_char)```
function count_1(s, c) { let count = 0; for (let char in s) { if (char === c) { count += 1; } } return count; } const result = count_1("h", "o"); console.log(result);
def count_char(txt,char): count=0 for i in t: if c==i: count+=1 print(count if count>0 else 'nout found') t=input('enter your text: ') c=input('enter your char: ') count_char(t,c)
def string_txt(s): my_text = {} for item in s: if item in my_text: my_text[item] += 1 else: my_text[item] = 1 return my_text
def chek_try_str(string,char): return string.count(char) text=input('input one string:') char=input('input char for count:') print(f"the character appears'{char}',{chek_try_str(text,char)} times in the string.")
def count(x,y): l=[] for i in x: l.append(i) l2=filter(lambda x : True if x==y else False , l) return len(list(l2)) print(count('hooshang',"o")) #2
# Number def count_char(string, char): return string.count(char) print(count_char("hooshang", "o"))
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