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The longest word sentence

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Write a program that receives a sentence from the input andThe longest and the shortestPrint the word in the sentence in the output

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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def l_s(matn):
    l_w=max(w, key=len)
    s_w=min(w, key=len)
    return l_w, s_w
matn=input("matn: ")
print(f"long: {l}")
print(f"short: {s}")
jomle = input ("Enter your sentences:")
kalame = jomle.split(" ")
len_kalame = list(map(lambda x: len(x), kalame))
print (f"the longest {max(len_kalame)} and the shortest is {min(len_kalame)}")
H.rezaei Download Python
class Word:
    def __init__(self, word):
        self.word = word
    def Print(self):
        words_list = self.word.split()
        longest_word = max(words_list, key=len)
        shortest_word = min(words_list, key=len)
        return words_list, longest_word, shortest_word

words = input("enter your words: ")
obj = Word(words)

words_list, longest_word, shortest_word = obj.Print()
print("کلمات:", words_list)
print("بلندترین کلمه:", longest_word)
print("کوتاه‌ترین کلمه:", shortest_word)
Roghaye.m Download Python
user_input = input("Please enter a text: ")

str_lst = user_input.split(" ")

print(f"Longest word => {str_lst[-1]}")
print(f"Shortest word => {str_lst[0]}")
Behcoder Download Python

Please check before submission. It's wrong Alvandsina

x = input('please enter your sentense:')
x = x.split(' ')
print(f'longest word is : {max(x, key = len)}')
print(f'shortest word is : {min(x, key = len)}')
Alvandsina Download Python
def find_longest_and_shortest_words(sentence):

    # Divide the sentence into words
    words = sentence.split()
    # Check if there is no word
    if not words:
        return None, None

    # Find the longest and shortest word
    longest_word = max(words, key=len)
    shortest_word = min(words, key=len)
    return longest_word, shortest_word

def main():
    # Receive a sentence from the user
    sentence = input("لطفاً یک جمله وارد کنید: ")
    longest_word, shortest_word = find_longest_and_shortest_words(sentence)
    if longest_word and shortest_word:
        print(f"طولانی‌ترین کلمه: '{longest_word}'")
        print(f"کوتاه‌ترین کلمه: '{shortest_word}'")
        print("هیچ کلمه‌ای در جمله وجود ندارد.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Mma123 Download Python
def find_shortest_and_longest(sentence):
sentence=input('enter a sentence:')
Maryam.n Download Python
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