Review of Hammar's case
Write a program that can check out the 2 -input user in which the triangle can be built with the sides received.
(Triangular Equality: In each triangle, the size of each side is smaller than the other 2 sides)
Write a program that can check out the 2 -input user in which the triangle can be built with the sides received.
(Triangular Equality: In each triangle, the size of each side is smaller than the other 2 sides)
a = int(input("enter your number:")) b = int(input("enter your number:")) c = int(input("enetr your number:")) if a + b > c or a + c > b or b + c > a: print("mosallas nist") else: print("mollass mibashad")
X=float(input("x:")) Y=float(input("y:")) H=float(input("h:")) if X<Y+H and Y<X+H and H<X+Y: print("قضیه حمار برقرار است") else: print("نمی توان با این اعداد مثلثی ساخت")
fS=str(input("enter the first side:")) sS=str(input("enter the secend side")) tS=str(input("enter the third side")) if (fs+sS)>tS and (fS+tS)>sS and (sS+tS)>fS: print("you can make a triangle with these sides") else: print("you cant make a triangle with these sides")
a=int(input("Enter a number: ")) b=int(input("Enter another number: ")) c=int(input("Enter a third number: ")) if a+b>c: print("true") elif a+c>b: print("true") elif b+c>a: print("true") elif c+a>b: print("true") else: print("false")
import time strat_time = time.time() while True: a = int(input("enter your number a:")) if a == 0: print("finish") break b = int(input("enter your number b:")) c = int(input("enter your number c:")) if a < b + c or b < a + c or c < a + b: print("homar bargharar ast") if a == b == c: print("not homar") if time.time() - strat_time > 7: print("time is over") break روش دوم هستش
a =int(input("pls enter the first number;....." )) b = int(input("pls second number :) ....")) c = int(input("pls and the last number....")) if a < b+c and b< a+c and c< a+b : print("great! The inserted sides are without problems/..") else: print("sorry, you can't make triangle ): ")
def can_form_triangle(a, b, c): """بررسی میکند که آیا میتوان مثلثی با اضلاع a، b و c ساخت یا خیر.""" return (a + b > c) and (a + c > b) and (b + c > a) if __name__ == "__main__": # Get the sides of the triangle from the user while True: try: a = float(input("لطفاً اندازه ضلع اول مثلث را وارد کنید: ")) b = float(input("لطفاً اندازه ضلع دوم مثلث را وارد کنید: ")) c = float(input("لطفاً اندازه ضلع سوم مثلث را وارد کنید: ")) break except ValueError: print("لطفاً یک عدد صحیح یا اعشاری وارد کنید.") # Check whether the triangle can be made or not if can_form_triangle(a, b, c): print("با این اضلاع میتوان مثلثی ساخت.") else: print("با این اضلاع نمیتوان مثلثی ساخت.")
x1=int(input("print your x1: ")) x2=int(input("print your x2: ")) x3=int(input("print your x3: ")) if x1+x2>x3 and x2+x3>x1 and x3+x1>x2: print("True") else: print("False")
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