Name of the weeks of the week
Write a program that shows its name by receiving the day number of the week
Write a program that shows its name by receiving the day number of the week
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
def week(): """ تابع روز های هفته را بر اساس ترتیب اعداد چاپ میکند """ while True: try: user_input = int(input("please enter a number between 1 and 7(exit=0) :")) if user_input == 0: # If it is zero out of the program print("good bye...") break if not user_input in range(1,8): # If it wasn't between one and 7 print("The number must be between 1 and 7⛔") match user_input: case 1:print("saturday") case 2:print("sunday") case 3:print("monday") case 4:print("tuesday") case 5:print("wednesday") case 6:print("thursday") case 7:print("friday") except ValueError: # Receive Error text if the application is logged but the program does not stop print("please enter a integer amount⛔") week() # Farakhani
# Receive Input i=input("input: ") # Define the weeks of the week with dictionary hafte={"1":"shanbe","2":"yek shanbe","3":"do shanbe","4":"se shanbe" ,"5":"chahar shanbe","6":"panj shanbe","7":"jome"} # Displaying the output print(hafte[i])
days={"1":"shanbe","2":"yek_shanbe","3":"do_shanbe","4":"se_shanbe" ,"5":"chhar_shanbe","6":"panj_shanbe","7":"jome"} a= input() print(days.get(a)
# Getting the number of the day of the week from the user x=int(input('Shomareh rooz mored nazar ra vared konid:')) if x == 1: print('Shanbeh') elif x == 2: print('Yekshanbeh') elif x == 3: print('Doshanbeh') elif x == 4: print('Seshanbeh') elif x == 5: print('Chaharshanbeh') elif x == 6: print('Panjshanbeh') elif x == 7: print('Jomee')
while True: try: day = int(input("Enter the number:")) if day == 1: print("Shanbe") elif day == 2: print("yek Shanbe") elif day == 3: print("do Shanbe") elif day == 4: print("se Shanbe") elif day == 5: print("chahar Shanbe") elif day == 6: print("panj Shanbe") elif day == 7: print("jome") else: print("Shoma faghat mitavanid adade yek ta haft ra vared namayid.") except: print("Please enter a number.")
function daysOfWeek(daynumber) { const days =['Saturday','Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday']; if (daynumber >=8) { return 'your number is undefined'; }else{ daynumber--; let result=days[daynumber]; return result; } }
number = int(input("enter your number: ")) if number == 1: print("shanbe") elif number == 2: print("yekshanbe") elif number == 3: print("doshanbe") elif number == 4: print("seshanbe") elif number == 5: print("chaharshanbe") elif number == 6: print("pangshanbe") elif number == 7: print("jomme") else: print("the number must be between 1 and 7")
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