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Calculate the brick required

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Write a program that receives the length and width of the wall and calculates how many bricks do we need 4 x 8 bricks to build this wall?

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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x=float(input('Tool divar ra vared konid:'))
y=float(input('Arz divar ra vared konid:'))
# Brick area
# Wall area
Ati.hamedi Download Python
def required_brick():
    تابع طول و عرض دیوار را میگیرد و میزان اجر مورد نیاز را برمیگرداند 
    length = int(input("please etner the length :")) # Length
    width = int(input("please enter the width :")) # Width
    Rectangular_area = length * width # Wall cops
    Dimensions_brick = 8 * 4 # The area of ​​the reward
    result = Rectangular_area / Dimensions_brick  # Division to obtain the required reward
    return f"result : {result} brick" 
a = int(input())
b = int(input())
ajor = (a*b)/(4*8)
Mina.mindo Download Python
t= int(input("highte: "))
a=int(input("width: "))
print(divar / ajor)
User 2187 Download Python
function numberOfBricks(Walllength,Wallwidth) {
        //Brick area
        const Brick =  4*8;
        // Wall area
        const WallArea = Walllength * Wallwidth;
        const bricks = WallArea / Brick;
        return bricks;
Parsa Download JavaScript
length = int(input("enter the length : ")) # length = طول
width = int(input("enter the width :")) #width =  عرض
brick = (length*width)/32   #brick = اجر
Kordawan Download Python
xajor = float(input("arz ajor:"))
yajor = float(input("tool ajor:"))
ajor = xajor * yajor
print("msahat ajor = ", ajor)
xdivar = float(input("arz divar:"))
ydivar = float(input("tool divar:"))
print("ajor mored nyaz = ", xdivar * ydivar // ajor, "dane ajor" )
User 2715 Download Python
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