History Separation
Write a program that receives a historical in yyyy/mm/dd format and prints year, month and day
Write a program that receives a historical in yyyy/mm/dd format and prints year, month and day
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
while True : day = input("Enter day(1-31) : ") month = input("Enter month(1-12) : ") year = input("Enter year(yyyy) : ") if len(day) > 2 or not 1 <= int(day) <= 31 : print("Please enter a valid(1-31) : ") continue if len(month) > 2 or not 1 <= int(month) <= 12 : print("Please enter a valid(1-12) : ") continue if len(year) != 4 or not year.isdigit() : print("Please enter a valid(yyyy) : ") continue break print(f"{year}/{month.zfill(2)}/{day.zfill(2)}")
i=input('tarikh ra vared konid mesal(1373/01/15):') y,m,d=i.split('/') print(y,'year') print(m,'month') print(d,'day')
# this is python code to split date: date=input("enter the date in this format: yyyy/mm/dd") y=[] m=[] d=[] for i in range(10): if i<=3: y.append(date[i]) elif i>4 and i<7: m.append(date[i]) elif i>=8 : d.append(date[i]) print( "your date is: year: ",''.join(y),"mount is :",''.join(m), "and day is:", ''.join(d) )
dateInput = input("Enter date with this format(yyyy/mm/dd):") print(f"day = {dateInput[-2:]}") print(f"month = {dateInput[5:7]}") print(f"year = {dateInput[0:4]}")
tarikh = int (input("what yor tarikh : ") sal=trikh[0:4] mah= tarikh[4:6] roz=tarikh[6:] mah1={"01" : "farvardin " , "02" : "ordibehesht", "03" : "khordad" ,"04" : "tir" , "05" :"mordad" , "06": "sharivar" ,"07" : "mehr" , "08" : "aban" , "09" :"azar" , "10" : "day" , "11" : "bahman" , "12" : "esfand"} print (f"sal \n, mah={mah1} \n, roz \n")
date = input("Enter a date in yyyy/mm/dd format: ") year, month, day = date.split('/') print(f"Year: {year}") print(f"Month: {month}") print(f"Day: {day}")
No need to create additional variables and occupy memory that has been modified above
x = input('please enter date like 2024/11/28 ...') x = x.split('/') print(f'Year is {x[0]}') print(f'Month is {x[1]}') print(f'Day is {x[2]}')
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