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Write a program that receives a historical in yyyy/mm/dd format and prints year, month and day

14 Answers

from datetime import datetime
def print_date_parts(date_str):
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y/%m/%d")
year = date_obj.year
month = date_obj.month
day =
print(f"Year: {year}")
print(f"Month: {month}")
print(f"Day: {day}")
date_input = "2024/11/22"
date_in = input ("Enter yyy/mm/dd : ")
year,mounth, day = date_in.split("/")
print (f"Year:{year} , mounth:{mounth} , Day{day}")
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#get input
tarikh = input("Enter the date like yyyy/mm/dd : ")
joda = tarikh.split("/")
print("th year is : "+joda[0])
print("th month is : "+joda[1])
print("th day is : "+joda[2])
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