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Extraction of in -text numbers

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Write a program that receives a text and extracts and prints the numbers inside.

For example:

Input: hooshang123hooshangi456
Output: 123456

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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import re
def extract_numbers(text):
    این تابع اعداد موجود در متن را استخراج کرده و به صورت یک رشته برمی‌گرداند.
    # Use Regex to find all numbers in the text
    numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', text)
    # Combining the extracted numbers to a string
    return ''.join(numbers)

# Get input from the user
input_text = input("لطفاً یک متن وارد کنید: ")
result = extract_numbers(input_text)

# Printing results
print("استخراج شده:", result)
Mma123 Download Python
Text = input("Enter your sentence:")
numbers = []
for char in Text:
    if char.isdigit():
Matin Download Python
text = input('enter text: ')
for num in text:
    if num.isnumeric():

I wrote this form too :) User 35

def numbers(t):
    num = []
    for i in text:
        if i.isdigit():
    return num

text = input('input: ')
print('output: ',numbers(text))
const str = "hooshang123hooshangi456";
const num = str.match(/\d{1,}/g);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
    int i;
    string a;
    for (i = 0 ; i < a.length() ; i++){
        if (isdigit(a[i])){
    return 0;
Aref.2 Download C & C++
y = input("tex : ")
x = ""
for i in y :
    if i.isdigit():
        x = x + i
Aref.2 Download Python
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