Calculate the year of 100 years
Write a program that gets the user's age and calculates what year the user (solar and AD) is 100 years old.
Write a program that gets the user's age and calculates what year the user (solar and AD) is 100 years old.
# Getting age = int(input("age :")) sh = int(input("sall shamsi :")) me = int(input("sall meladi :")) # Calculate and print on the output age = 100 - age sh += age me += age print("shamsi {} , meladi {}".format(sh,me))
age = int(input("please enter your age: ")) print(f"shoma dar sale {2024 + age} miladi va sale {1402 + age} shamsi , sad sale mi shavid.")
# Calculations def im_100_years_old(age, now): x = 100 - age y = now + x print('You will be a hundred years old in :') print(y) # Variables age = int(input('how old are you ? : ')) now = int(input('what is this years? :')) # Implementation of the program im_100_years_old(age, now)
import time current_year = int(time.ctime()[20:]) - 621 age = int(input("Enter your age: ")) print(f'The year when you will be 100: "{current_year+(100-age)}"')
x = int(input("enter age :")) x -= 100 x = abs(x) y = x + 2024 print("you will be 100 years old at",y)
year = int(input('enter your birthyear : ')) month = input('enter your birthmonth : ') day = input('enter your birthday : ') print(year + 100 , month , day)
x = int(input('age:')) y = 100 a = int(input('what is this years ?:')) print('one hundred years old in:',y-x+a)
a=int(input("age:")) b=int(input("yers sham:")) c=int(input("yers mila:")) d=100-a print(b+d,c+d)
age=int(input("enter your age:")) n=100-age result=n+2024 result_2=n+1403 print(f"you will be 100 years old at {result} AD and {result_2} of solar year.")
from datetime import datetime import jdatetime age = int(input("Please enter your age: ")) current_ad_year = current_shamsi_year = print(f"AD year your age = 100 => {current_ad_year + (100 - age)}") print(f"shamsi Year your age = 100 => {current_shamsi_year + (100 - age)}")
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