Review of date format
Write a program to format to format yyyy/mm/dDReceive from the user and check whether the date received in the correct format is correct.
Write a program to format to format yyyy/mm/dDReceive from the user and check whether the date received in the correct format is correct.
y = int(input('enter the year : ')) m = int(input('enter the month : ')) d = int(input('enter the day : ')) if m > 12 and d > 30 : print('false') else : print('true')
import re from datetime import datetime def is_valid_date(date_string): # Review of date format using Regex pattern = r'^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}$' if not re.match(pattern, date_string): return False # Convert the history of history to the Datetime object and examine the accuracy of history try: year, month, day = map(int, date_string.split('/')) datetime(year, month, day) return True except ValueError: return False def main(): date_input = input("تاریخ را به فرمت yyyy/mm/dd وارد کنید: ") is_valid = is_valid_date(date_input) print(is_valid) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
user_date = input("Please enter date: (format: yyyy/mm/dd)") lst_date = user_date.split("/") if 0 < int(lst_date[1]) <= 12 and 0 < int(lst_date[2]) <= 31: print(True) else: print(False)
from datetime import datetime user_date = input("Please enter date: (format: yyyy/mm/dd)") try: datetime.strptime(user_date, "%Y/%m/%d") print (True) except : print (False)
year = int(input("year: ")) month = int(input("month: ")) day = int(input("day: ")) format_ymd = f"{year}/{month}/{day}" if year > 2025: print(f"History : {format_ymd} year error") print("False") elif month > 12: print(f"History : {format_ymd} month error") print("False") elif month > 30: print(f"History : {format_ymd} day error") print("False") elif year < 2025 and month < 13 and day < 31: print(f"History : {format_ymd}") print("True") else: print("Not")
tarikh = int(input("tarikh miladi":) sal = tarikh[0:4] mah=tarikh[4:6] rooz=tarikh[6:8] mah ={"1":"jan" ,"2": "feb", "3": "mar" ,"4":"apr" , "5": "may" ,"6": "jun" , "7":"jul" , "8": "Aug" , "9": "sep" , "10": "oct", "11": "nov" , "12": "dec" } if tarikh in mah : print(" true ") else: print("false")
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