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New Year's congratulations to the style of programmers

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Write a program to congratulate the programmers in a creative way

This is a #van exercise so there is no right or wrong answer and there is no need to work with the code you write. Just make a little creativity :)

11 Answers

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This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error'
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This answer is only visible to premium members

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This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error'
This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members

This answer is only visible to premium members

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This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error'
This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members

This answer is only visible to premium members

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binary_art = {
    'H': [
        "101   101",
        "101   101",
        "101   101",
        "101   101"
    'A': [
        " 0111110 ",
        "101   101",
        "101   101",
        "101   101"
    'P': [
        "1111110 ",
        "101   10",
        "1111110 ",
        "101     ",
        "101     "
    'Y': [
        "101   101",
        " 101 101 ",
        "  11111  ",
        "    101  ",
        "    101  "
    'N': [
        "101   101",
        "110   101",
        "1011  101",
        "101 1 101",
        "101   101"
    'E': [
        "101      ",
        "1111111  ",
        "101      ",
    'W': [
        "101     101",
        "101     101",
        "101  1  101",
        "101  1  101",
        " 111   111 "
    'R': [
        "1111110 ",
        "101   101",
        "1111110 ",
        "101 101 ",
        "101   101"
    ' ': [
        "   ",
        "   ",
        "   ",
        "   ",
        "   "

def display_message(message):
    lines = ["", "", "", "", ""]
    for char in message:
        for i in range(5):
            lines[i] += binary_art[char][i] + "  "  # Add two spaces between characters
    for line in lines:

message = "HAPPY NEW YEAR"
note="happy new year♡"
for i in range(100):
Roghaye.m Download Python
print('Sal No Mobarak')
print('Omid Varam Sal Khobi Dashte Bashid')

0   1     I  I    /  _____
1   1     I   I  /  /____
1   11111 I    I/  /____

   I   /      0 0       1     1
   I  /      0   0      1     1
   I /      0    0      1     1
    1       0    0      1     1
    1       0    0      1     1
    1         0 0       1_____1
def year():
    print("happy new year")
    print("happy day")
    print("Happy Programmer's Day")
    print("I hope you have a good and happy year")
salnow = input ("Nam khod ra vared konid")
print("salnow mobark bashe",salnow)

Amirr Download Python
def salno():
    print(f"Salam chetori {name}")
    print("omidvaram ke sal khobi ro dashte bashi!!!")
    print("hala bia ye soal sade riazi baham hal konim")
    a = int(input("2 + 2 mishe chand? "))
    if a == 4: print("kamelan eshtebah!!!!!","riazi balad nisti haaa")
    else: print("Afarin danesh mand")
name = input("esm:")
User 1355 Download Python

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