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Calculate speed

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Write a program that takes the distance and the time to print speed in the output

Speed ​​= to move / time

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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x = int(input('lotfan masafat ra be metr vared konid')) # Distance traveled to meter
y = int(input('lotfan zaman ra be sanie vared konid')) # Distance traveled to seconds
s = (x/y) # Formula Calculate speed
print (s)
def ss():
    while True:
        jabejaee = int(input("entre your number jabejaee:"))
        if  jabejaee <= 0:
        s = int(input("entre your number s:"))
        if s <= 0:
        sorat = jabejaee / s  # The speed is equal to the displacement divided by time
        print(f"sorat: {sorat}")

I got the same number for this. Arman.danyy

a=float(input("enter the masafat:"))
b=float(input("enter the sorat:"))
Roghaye.m Download Python
def calculate_speed(distance, time):
    if time == 0:
        return "time not ziro"
    speed=distance / time
    return f'speed:{speed} km/h'
distance= float(input("distance(km): "))
time=float(input("time(h): "))
distance  = float(input("Please enter distance (km): "))
time = float(input("Please enter time (hour): "))
if time != 0:
    speed = distance / time
print(f"speed = {speed:.1f} km/h")
Behcoder Download Python
i = float(input("taym (saat):  "))
y = float(input('masafat tey shode (kelometr):  '))
print(y/i,': kelomet bar saat sorat')
def harekat():
    masafat = int(input("please enter masafate tey shodeh(m): "))
    zaman = int(input("please enter moddate zaman(s): "))
    print("sor at = ", masafat / zaman , "m/s")
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