Calculate the square environment
Write a program that has received the size of a square side and according toSquare environment formula, Calculate the square environment and print in output
Square environment = a side * 1
Write a program that has received the size of a square side and according toSquare environment formula, Calculate the square environment and print in output
Square environment = a side * 1
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
square_side = int(input("Please enter the size of the side of the square: ")) mohite_morabba = square_side * 4 print("mohite morabba = ", square_side * 4)
a=input('add mored nazar khod ra vared konid?') mohit=(int(a)*4) print(mohit)
zel = int(input(' enter one zel : ')) print(zel * 4 , 'masahat moraba')
X=float(input("x: ")) print("P:",X*4)
x = int(input('لطفا عدد مورد نظر خود را وارد کنید')) print(x * 4)
Name1 = int(input('ضلع')) print(Name1*Name1)
a=int(input('ضلع را وارد کنید')) b=a*4 print(b)
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Write a function that receives a list (array) as a parameter, and deletes its duplicate items and returns the new (array) list
Write a program that receives the square side length from the input and calculates its area of square area = a side of its own = a side of a power 2.
Write a function that receives the number of hours of employee work per month as a parameter and calculates the amount of employee salaries according to the formula below and returns each employee for 2 hours of work per month, per hour at 4 ...
Create a list and display the following on the screen. Next to each item must be automatically placed.
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