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The string of the string

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Write a function to receive a string (String) and return the number of letters

Note: To solve this question, you should not use ready -made functions


get_len('') # 13

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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# In the following function does not calculate the distance as letters and if we want to calculate we must erase the condition
def get_len(par):
    lenght = 0
    for i in par:
        if i == ' ':
            lenght += 1
    return lenght
a = 'this is a test'
def toolstr(n):
    x = len(n)
    return f"tooll reshete string: {x}"
print((toolstr(n=str(input("enter your tool string:")))))
def Shomarande(n) :
     count = 0
     for i in n :
          count += 1
     return count

Arshia.a Download Python
def get_len(string):
    index = 0
    while len(string) > index:
        print(index + len(string))
while True:
    i = input("string: ")
Nima1393 Download Python
def string_len():
    x = input()
User 1829 Download Python
def func(a):
    return len(a)
User 887 Download Python
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