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Error "Python is Not Recognized As an Interenal or External Command"

Technical question 1908/ Download 156 Views New
I recently installed Python, but when I run the program I run, I get this error
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command
Someone can help what this error can be and what to do?

4 Answers

When installing the Python Option mustadd python to pathActivate if you didn't do it, the easiest way to solve the problem is to delete and reinstall Python and activate it when installing it. Usually the problem is solved by this method
Amirhn Download Python
This error occurs when the Python is not installed or Windows cannot find the Python installation path. You can first check to see Python installed on your system. (Python -Version) This command is cmd to see if Python is installed. If Python was installed, there is a problem with the installation path.
Hossien Download Python
Because "Python" is not an environmental variable, you probably either have to uncheck the Environment Variable option or have to enter the Path manually.
Aerf123 Download Python
Remove Python using the setup you installed and re -install it with the same set. Just be careful when installing two ticks at the bottom of the screen, otherwise it will re -assume. Download Python

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