The length of the list items
Write a program to receive a list of strings and then pour and print the length of each item from the list in another list
Write a program to receive a list of strings and then pour and print the length of each item from the list in another list
input_strings = input("لطفاً رشتهها را با کاما جدا کنید: ").split(',') # Remove the empty space from the beginning and end of each string input_strings = [s.strip() for s in input_strings] # Calculate the length of each string and save in the new list lengths = [len(s) for s in input_strings] # View results print("طول هر رشته:") print(lengths)
def get_lengths(strings, separator): string_list = strings.split(separator) lengths = [len(s.strip()) for s in string_list] return lengths input_strings = input("لطفاً لیستی از رشتهها را وارد کنید: ") separator = input("لطفاً جداکننده مورد نظر را وارد کنید: ") result = get_lengths(input_strings, separator) print("طول هر رشته در لیست:", result)
def lengths_of_strings(strings): lengths = [len(s) for s in strings] return lengths strings = ["pencil","book","couch"] result = lengths_of_strings(strings) print("طول هر رشته در لیست:", result)
def get_lengths(strings): lengths = [] for string in strings: lengths.append(len(string)) return lengths strings = input("string: ").split(' ') lengths = get_lengths(strings) print("length: ", lengths)
list = [] while 1: strings = input("please enter a string: ") if strings == "exit": break else: list.append(strings) list_2 = [] for i in list: list_2.append(len(i)) print(list_2)
read_line = list(map(str , input().split())) s = [] for i in read_line : counter = 0 for item in i : counter += 1 s.append(counter) print(s)
list_ = [] li = input("Enter a space between strings: ").split(" ") for i in li: list_.append(len(i)) print(list_)
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