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Triangle area

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Write a program that receives the rule and height of the triangle and calculates its area

Triangle area = (rule * height) divided by 2

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let msg = 'error'
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let msg = 'error'
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This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error'
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X=float(input("x: "))
H=float(input("y: "))
print("s:",X*H/2)X=float(input("x: "))
Farbod.313 Download Python

There is an extra part of the end of the code that should be erased Amirhn

def calculate_triangle_area(base, height):
    return (base * height) / 2

def main():
        base = float(input("لطفاً قاعده مثلث را وارد کنید: "))
        height = float(input("لطفاً ارتفاع مثلث را وارد کنید: "))
        area = calculate_triangle_area(base, height)
        print(f"مساحت مثلث برابر است با: {area}")
    except ValueError:
        print("لطفاً یک عدد معتبر وارد کنید.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
User 136 Download Python
x = float(input("inter x :"))
y = float(input("inter y :"))
a = (x * y) /2
Ali.r.h.z Download Python
def mosallas(ghaedeh,ertefah):
    masahat = (ghaedeh * ertefah) / 2
    return masahat
print(mosallas(ghaedeh=int(input("enter your numnber:")),ertefah=int(input("enter your number:"))))
x=int(input('qaedemorede nazar ra vared konid? \t'))
y=int(input('ertefa ra vared konid? \t'))
Migmig.i1 Download Python
height=float(input("Enter heigt: "))
base=float(input("Enter base: "))
Faranak Download Python
def calculate_triangle_area(base, height):
    """محاسبه مساحت مثلث."""
    return (base * height) / 2

def main():
    """تابع اصلی برنامه."""
        # Get input from the user
        base = float(input("لطفاً قاعده مثلث را وارد کنید: "))
        height = float(input("لطفاً ارتفاع مثلث را وارد کنید: "))

        # Calculate the area of ​​the triangle
        area = calculate_triangle_area(base, height)

        # Display the result
        print(f"مساحت مثلث با قاعده {base} و ارتفاع {height} برابر است با: {area}")
    except ValueError:
        print("لطفاً یک عدد معتبر وارد کنید.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Mma123 Download Python
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