The alarm
Write a program that receives hours and minutes from the user and the alarm at the specified time
Write a program that receives hours and minutes from the user and the alarm at the specified time
import time import datetime def set_alarm(alarm_time): print(f"زنگ هشدار برای ساعت {alarm_time} تنظیم شد.") while True: # Receive current time current_time ="%H:%M") if current_time == alarm_time: print("زنگ هشدار! زمان آن رسیده است!") # Play the alarm # In Windows you can use WinSound # import winsound # winsound.Beep(1000, 1000) # 1000 Hz frequency for 1000 mm # You can use PlaySound for other operating systems from playsound import playsound playsound('alarm_sound.mp3') # Alarm file name break time.sleep(30) # Check every 30 seconds # Receive hours and minutes from the user hour = input("لطفاً ساعت را وارد کنید (HH): ") minute = input("لطفاً دقیقه را وارد کنید (MM): ") # Combination of hours and minutes to format HH: mm alarm_time = f"{hour}:{minute}" # Set the alarm alarm set_alarm(alarm_time)
import time import winsound # For Windows # Use PlaySound if you are on Linux or Mac. def alarm_clock(hour, minute): # Convert hours and minutes to current time while True: current_time = time.localtime() current_hour = current_time.tm_hour current_minute = current_time.tm_min # Check time if current_hour == hour and current_minute == minute: print("زنگ هشدار! زمان مشخص شده فرا رسیده است.") # Play the alarm winsound.Beep(1000, 1000) # Alarm (1000 Hz for 1 second) break # Sleeping for 30 seconds before checking again time.sleep(30) if __name__ == "__main__": # Receive hours and minutes from the user hour = int(input("لطفاً ساعت (0-23) را وارد کنید: ")) minute = int(input("لطفاً دقیقه (0-59) را وارد کنید: ")) # Alarm alarm_clock(hour, minute)
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