Hide the card number.
Write a function that receives a bank card number as an entrance and places * for all its digits except the first and last 4 digits and gives a value as the example below.
("6037111122119900") ➞ "6037 ******** 9900"
Write a function that receives a bank card number as an entrance and places * for all its digits except the first and last 4 digits and gives a value as the example below.
("6037111122119900") ➞ "6037 ******** 9900"
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
let msg = 'error' alert(msg)This answer is only visible to premium members
This answer is only visible to premium members
def shomare(kart): if len(kart) == "16": return "shomare kart ma bayad 16 ragham bashad" frist = kart[:4] last = kart[-4:] part = "*" * len(kart) return f"{frist}{part}{last}" print(shomare(kart=str(input("enter your number:"))))
x = input("enter number cart:") if len(x) > 16 : print("number too long") elif len(x) < 16 : print("number too short") else: print(x[:5] + "*" * 6 + x[11:])
def card(number_card): if len(number_card) == 16 : print(number_card[:4] + ("*" * 8) + number_card[-4:]) else : card(input("error..., No, please enter a 16-digit number : ")) number_card = input("Enter number card (16) : ") card(number_card)
def card_number_loop(num): if len(num) < 16: return "card_num At least 16 Digit" number="" for i in range(len(num)): if i < 4 or i >= len(num) - 4: number+=num[i] else: number+='*' return number card_num=input("card_num: ") num=card_number_loop(card_num) print(num)
def Cart(n) :
x = n[0 : 4] + "********" + n[12 : 16]
return x
def mask_card_number(card_number): """ Masking the middle digits of a bank card number Arguments: card_number: Bank card number as a string Return value: A string containing the masked card number """ if len(card_number) < 4: return "The card number is invalid." masked_number = card_number[:4] + "*" * (len(card_number) - 6) + card_number[-4:] return masked_number # Usage example: card_number =(input("Enter card Number: ")) masked_card = mask_card_number(card_number) print(masked_card) #Output: 1234********3456
class Word: def __init__(self, number): self.number = number def mask_card_number(self): if len(self.number) < 12: return "شماره کارت باید حداقل ۱۲ رقم باشد." return self.number[:4] + '*' * (len(self.number) - 8) + self.number[-4:] card_number = input("enter the number: ") obj = Word(card_number) print(obj.mask_card_number())
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Write a program that receives 2 numeric value from the input and stores in variables A and B. Then move the values of these two variables (the value of variable A is to be stored within B and the value of variable B is saved within a)
Write a function that receives a string and returns the number of letters: To solve this question, you should not use ready-made functions for example: get_len ('code-bezan.ir') # 13
1- The user selects a number from 0 to 100 in his mind 2- The program guesss the user's desired number 3- The user according to the guessing number is one of the options (the correct guess, the number is larger, the number ... Moore ...
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