تمرین های پروژه (Project)
Programming exercises پروژه (Project)Latest exercises پروژه (Project)
Write a robot to perform mathematical operations. When the Calc 5+3 user sends back, the robot returns the result (8).
Write a robot: When a new user enters the group, send him a welcome message. If one sends a promotional link, he will delete his message. If a particular user sends too much message, he will automatically fir him.
Write a robot to: Take the user's text and convert it into audio files. You can use different libraries or APIs.
Parking Management Program Write: When arriving, arrival time and car license plate number stored when exit, exit time save for the desired car at any moment (in the parking lot, exit) and other information ...
Make the famous dose game or tic tac toe
Programming a ticket system that: the user can create a new ticket and enter the title, the level of importance (trivial, important, critical) and the problem description of the manager can see the list of tickets in order of importance and so on ...
Write a phonebook program that: 1. The app should be able to add a new contact with the name and phone number. 2. The user should be able to view and search the existing audiences. 3. The user should be idol ...
Write a program that randomly print different mathematical questions and then receive and review the user answer example: 2 + 3 =? Input: 5 ** Doroste ** 55*2 =? Input: 111 ** ESHTEBAHE ** ... Finally the score ...
Things need: The system administrator should be able to log in after entering the Admin username and password 12345 and add a new employee and define the username and password for each employee. The program must be informed ...
Write a program to manage the family lottery fund: 1. It is possible to add and delete a member. It is possible to randomly select from members who have not yet won the lottery. Athem ...
Write a program to manage the Mafia game. First, consider a role for each person, then users can see their role in turn and then take the time to each player.
Write a program that has a graphical environment and can perform the sum, subtraction, multiplication and division operations on the infinite number. (Exactly like a real calculator)
We want to build a unit selection site that: 1. Any student can see a list of capacity courses. 2. Each student can take a lesson if there is a capacity. 3. In charge of training can be new lessons with mesh capacity ...
Online Store with the following features to add new product by Admin in the Management Panel Panel User Name by User Selecting and Registering (Online Payment and Home Payment Option ...
Create a website containing 4 pages that: 1. Home page (index.html): Includes a website title and a profile image. A brief provision about yourself. Links to other pages of the website (about me, projects, contact me). 2. Separate ...
Design a page using HTML CSS JS so that the user can enter their daily task list and see a list.