An Excel file includes name information, height, weight of a company employee. Write a program that reads the information from this file and the employees in the order of (high to low) with their name and weight at the output ...
Write the program to check the files inside a folder and delete files that have an MP4 extension and start with VID. The program should do this every hour every hour.
Write a robot to: Take the user's text and convert it into audio files. You can use different libraries or APIs.
Write a program that receives students' scores and names and prints from the highest to the lowest score, respectively
Create a storage counter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript: Put the default number on 0 and create 2 buttons to increase and reduce. Reduce the counter number button and ...
Design a reverse counters using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This counters must receive hours, minutes and seconds from three variables and from that time to 0: 0: 0
Write a program that receives a text and a word from the user, search the word in the text, and as the example below and then put the word * and print the text in the output. Example: Input1: Hello. My name is hooshang. I ...
Write a program that receives n and draws Khayyam Pascal's triangle to n rows is the same as the one below, which is at the top of the triangle of the number one, and in the first and last lines of each number one and the remainder ...
Programming a ticket system that: the user can create a new ticket and enter the title, the level of importance (trivial, important, critical) and the problem description of the manager can see the list of tickets in order of importance and so on ...
Write a class called Vehicle that has Model and Color features and has a method called get_info that returns all its features as a strang then write a class called Car from Vehicle ...
To DIV below what css slide to make the heart shape<div class="heart"></div>
Write a program that receives 2 numbers as the interval, in which the interval of all the 5 existing numbers. For example, in the interval of 1 to 20 the number 2 times the number 5 repeated (5 and 15)
Write a program to manage the Mafia game. First, consider a role for each person, then users can see their role in turn and then take the time to each player.
Write a program that receives a solar date from the input (in the format of yyyy/mm/dd). Then convert the date to AD and print in the output
Write a program that has a graphical environment and can perform the sum, subtraction, multiplication and division operations on the infinite number. (Exactly like a real calculator)
Write a program that receives a text from the user as an input and all the words used in the text, along with the number of repeating them to the user, such as: Input: This is an Example. This is a text ... ...