Write a robot: When a new user enters the group, send him a welcome message. If one sends a promotional link, he will delete his message. If a particular user sends too much message, he will automatically fir him.
Write a program that receives a number and only by moving its figures, the smallest numbers can be found (with the same number of digits)
Make the famous dose game or tic tac toe
Write a program where the user can enter the number of one -digit number and then all the numbers that can print the construction with the entered digits for example: Input: 1 input: 2 input: End 12 21 11 22
Write a program that receives second -degree equation coefficients and then prints the roots of the equation in the output overall form of the Grade 2 equation:
We want to build a unit selection site that: 1. Any student can see a list of capacity courses. 2. Each student can take a lesson if there is a capacity. 3. In charge of training can be new lessons with mesh capacity ...
Write a class called Tarikh to receive a solar date in yyyy/mm/dd format and has methods to add and reduce (day, month and year) of date. Also have a method for printing the date on the output. ...
Online Store with the following features to add new product by Admin in the Management Panel Panel User Name by User Selecting and Registering (Online Payment and Home Payment Option ...
Write a program that receives 2 dates in yyyy/mm/dd format and print 2 dates to the output for example Tarikh1: 1401/11/01 tarikh2: 1401/11/05 4 days Tarikh1: 1401/10/01 Tarikh2: 1401/11/05 34 Days
Write a program to get a 9 -in -9 sodoko table as a multidimensional array and solve it
Write a program that receives the infinite number of the number with the help of a graphical interface and performs the compact, multiplication and division on them, for example the user should be able to do the results of the following actions using this ...
1- The user selects a number from 0 to 100 in his mind 2- The program guesss the user's desired number 3- The user according to the guessing number is one of the options (the correct guess, the number is larger, the number ... Moore ...
We want to open a cow door, we don't know the safety password, but we have the following information: the second -digit safing password is the first number of the first digit, the last 4th of the person in one unit is smaller than their first digit ...
Write a program that receives a number from the user and converts to letters suppose the numbers entered between 0 and 1000000 23 ➞ Twenty Three 405 ➞ Four HundredR
Write a function to get 2 disciplines and search the second string in the first string. If there was the second string in the first string, TRUE and otherwise False returns: To search, you should not use ready -to -use functions ...
We want to open the cow door, we don't know the password, but we have the following information: the second -digit safing password and the fifth digit equivalent to the first number of the first digit of a larger unit ...